Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mountains to Climb

I type and listen to Tracey Chapman…her voice immediately brings me to a place from long ago. Kairos. I lay in my bed listening to “At This Point in My Life.” I don’t think about Kairos very often. Honestly, I don’t remember much of it, but right now, I crave that time.

The desire to retreat grew stronger after the last two weeks. It’s incredibly easy to get caught in daily routines, occurrences, and doldrums – no matter where you are.

On Sunday, Rodrigo asked me, “Do you like your life?” I wasn’t immediately sure how to answer that powerful question. “I love so many parts of my life – my family, my travels, my introduction to a new culture and people…” I then flipped the question back at him. He quickly answered, “No. I like to ask other people to see why they enjoy life.” I then climbed onto my soap box and explained how lucky he was – what an amazing life he possesses – and with that, what potential. He wakes up every day in a democratic society where he has the privilege of going to school and creating his own path. This conversation will continue I’m sure…hopefully, I will have something more inspiring and less prefabricated to say.

His question fit into the many subjects drifting through my mind this week. Enjoying life and learning from others who have lived in the moment – the many facets of this idea have spread to every corner of my brain.

Separate from the reasons at home, it’s difficult not to reflect on life when living in a city where depression and suicide are growing problems among all ages. What blinds a community from seeing all that life can offer?

I plan on investigating that question this weekend. John, Kat, and I will join the community and walk to the neighboring town Ayquina for a religious festival. The festival of Our Lady of Guadalupe of Ayquina is one of the most important religious festivals in the area. We will walk for two days (Friday and Saturday) and celebrate on Sunday. We look forward to our pilgrimage and the opportunity to experience the desert, absorb moments of solitude, and jump entirely into the culture of Calama.

Stay tuned for photos and stories...“At this point in my life...I’ve gone through hills, but I still have mountains to climb…” – Tracey Chapman

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