Yesterday, fellow volunteer Chris and I discussed something I’ve thought about many times – our new levels of appreciation. Chris gave the example of pastries. Kat, Chris, and I found this amazing bakery with whole grain bread and beyond-this-world lemon muffins (I hope to go there tomorrow and learn a bit from them). We all now pick up various treats for each other when we pass by…especially on bad days. One bite of the sugary goodness can pick our moods up out of the dirt and dust off our negativities. During similar conversations, John talks about how he buys huge chocolate bars and saves them to be devoured on long days. Michelle received a care package with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups last week. She not only updated her facebook status with the news, but she also sat in her room and plucked them one at a time from the package and savored them until they were gone.
From these descriptions, you might jump to the conclusion that we’ve just become gluttons! Not the case. Beyond sweets, I cook often here. A plate of rice noodles and broccoli in this region of flavorless stews and bread revives my senses. But let me change the topic from food…youtube. Chris and I escape into youtube during our visits with each other to share parts of our cultures (for such small countries – Australia and New Zealand have some pretty awesome talent) and experiences (I will admit – its more challenging for me to share things with Chris…because the American culture has permeated each corner of the earth already).
Last night, I remembered to look up – my favorite radio station from home. I discovered pages and pages of interviews – music downloads from emerging artists – and podcasts of in-studio concerts. To say the least, I squealed with happiness. I take so many things for granted at home. I get excited about new music – but now – I want to shout it from the rooftops. I immediately emailed other volunteers with the link – copied the songs into my iTunes – and have made plans to listen to a few of the short concerts tomorrow! Today, I will also share the links with my advanced students. They all adore music and the natural, relaxed interviews would expose them to great dialogue and new vocabulary from not only the States, but also the UK, Australia, and other English speaking artists.
So where are all of these thoughts coming from? We only have 9 more days here in Calama. It seems amazing how my time here has vanished. I look forward to my adventures with my father and reuniting with other volunteers along the way…but I also have some anxiety about leaving the comforts I’ve unearthed here. The afternoon walks along the river – the many conversations about language – the sharing of knowing glances – the hours of laughter – the feeling of triumph after a good class – the motivation from others after miserable classes – the love and support of each person here living this with me.
* * * * * * * *
Recreate my morning…
Recommended listening:
Recommended eating: oatmeal – no sugar – mixed with bananas, peaches, and raisins sautéed in butter, rum, and a touch of honey
Recommended drinking: bottled water
Recommended outfit: leggings (sweats take up too much room in my luggage…I can’t begin to tell you how excited I will be to slip into real sweats when I get home!), a tank top, and Northface fleece.
Recommended setting: your bedroom – soaked in sunlight listening to the sounds of dogs barking, trucks rumbling by, and the distant sound of a train
PS – did I mention my school is on strike? I only have one class today…
Photo: me dressed as Rodrigo (my host brother) and two creatures on Halloween - John on the left, Chris on the right
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